She had a cocktail in her hand and confetti in her hair...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Head vs. Heart

We have all been've had to deal with a situation where your head and your heart just don't agree. If you've never had this are a robot.

I wish I had some crazy, unbelievable story for you right now where I was torn between what my heart wanted and what my head was telling me to do, well spoiler alert, I don't.

Maybe I have had too much coffee this morning already...but my brain went into overdrive, why do we have situations where our mind and heart cant agree?

Are you a heart follower or do you listen to your brain...I would like to say that I am level headed and make smart decisions, thought out plans about why I do what I do..but I don't I always make decisions on my feelings instead of knowledge or experience.

The hardest battle: "what I know" vs "what I feel" . . . These are two VERY different things.  "What I feel" wins out most times because emotions are SO strong . . . We get the two mix up and we rationalize things from one category to the other.  What can we do to discipline ourselves?

Is this something you can change? Or is this just who we are? How did we become this mother is one of the most logical people I have ever met. I have seen her in SEVERAL situations that are for lack of better words..crappy. Yet she ALWAYS remains calm comes up with a plan and everything ends up fine. When I am in situations like these all I do is cry and call my  mom...

Don't even get me started on the other influences that make our decisions for us...friends, vodka, certain body parts...

Why do we let these things make decisions for us...who are we supposed to listen to...when it comes down to head vs. heart it seems like a loose-loose. Like when people give you that advice what does your heart want? what is the right decision? and then they really throw you for a loop what does your gut tell you?  Who invited gut to the decision party?!

I am by no means a super religious person, but I do believe in God, I believe he has a plan for everyone (or at least that is what I am banking on!) With that being said I always believe that things will work out no matter what..but doesn't that leave you with a hint of regret...the age old question... what if??

Can you see why this baffles me? This post could go on and on because I am so intrigued by which part of your body you are supposed to listen to. I am only in my mid-twenties... I have years and years and years of difficult questions ahead of me. I am a planner, I need a game plan at all times..and part of being a planner is knowing what to do when terrible or unpredictable situations happen...well what the heck..what part of the body is my go head, my heart, my gut?!

Well my head is telling me to end this post before I start to bore you all to death, my heart is telling me to continue until I find an answer, and well my gut is telling me to get out of bed and make some breakfast.

Until next time...

Monday, February 16, 2015

Chapter 2

Ladies and Gents, my sincerest apologies on the vacation from blogging. I am going to hope that several of you have missed the blog and have been waiting and counting down the days until my next post.

Well here it is!

I recently started a new job and don't get me wrong I am LOVING it but it has been nothing but overwhelming ands stressful yet at times it has been extremely rewarding. I have only been there about two weeks and have already had more ups and downs then I can count but I don't regret making this career change.

Let's be honest though, I am writing this blog post from home today because I have off for Presidents' day...can I get a hell ya!

Other than this new job, things have been going well, Bruce is still my favorite thing ever, I swear he gets cuter ever day.

I went and saw my sister swim at UNCW for the last time in her college career..she is getting so frickin old it's scary. We also went to her senior awards banquet so proud of this nugget. ALSO took my first family trip to the ABC store..that was weird. Her conference is being held here in Richmond next weekend and I cannot wait to see her swim again.

We took the puppies to the beach while we were visiting Che 
and this was Bruce's first time at the beach #dogmom

The three amigos.

CheChe and the family before doing Senior Walk

So proud of this nugget.

I have re-signed up to get certified to teach spin! After being fairly disappointed when my class got cancelled back in November I finally found a class here in Richmond that will be 8 hours longs, a pretty penny, and totally worth it once I can teach spin classes!

Another day in the life...

I survived Valentine's as a single white female, people it was not as bad as I was expecting but it still is probably one of the most insane holidays...for twenty four hours straight...I couldn't look at social media without seeing; bouquets of flowers, bottles of wine, jewelry, engagements, the anti-vday posts, the "I don't need a man I got my girls" posts, and the fancy dinner pictures. I don't know how anyone knew it was Valentine's Day before social media... #notbitter

The Vday/Care Package my mom sent wonder I am single. 
She sets the bar pretty high for Vday gifts.

And I think that is all the updates I have. I wish there was more or better news on the whole life front but things are good!