She had a cocktail in her hand and confetti in her hair...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chelsea May. The Big 2-2.

Well Well's that time of year again when the one and only Chelsea May celebrates her birthday. To all of you out there that do not know WHO this hooligan is, she is my sister and she is turning 22 today!

Now most of us consider this the over-the-hill birthday..because honestly after 21..what are you looking forward too?? However, I disagree 22 was one of my best because I was a senior in college, most, if not all of my friends were already 21 so we could all go to the bars instead of sneaking in people with fake IDs (not that we ever did that!!), and honestly you just felt a little bit older but you are still down to get a little wild on your bday - I don't want to be cliche or even admit that I can quote Tay Swift - because I don't know about you but I am  feeling 22 when you turn 22.

But enough about me because after all this day is all about CheChe - and let's be honest - it's rarely not about me but this is the one day out of 365 that I take the backseat cause this day is all about my sis!

So in honor of Chelsea May
 here are 22 fun facts about my sister!

1. She is mildly..and I use this term loosely..obsessed with Elephants.

2. She attends UNCW and is a pretty kick ass swimmer there.

3. My sister and I are POLAR opposites when it comes to looks, personalities, interests EXCEPT our facial expressions - that is normally how people can tell we're related.

4. We both suffer from Bitchy Resting Face.

5. Che has long blonde curly hair that resembles Ramen noodles and people often call her noodle head - and if they don't, they should.

6. Homegirl can put away some alcohol, she has out drank me on many occasions - Mom, Dad, you both should be proud

7. Her mood swings are annoying, frustrating, outraging, and down right impossible to predict but we accept them and love her no matter what.

8. She has the world's COOLEST dog - Sadie.

9. She is one of those people that just walks into a room..and you instantly know the party has started.

10. She is good at pretty much ANYTHING she does, like get it on the first try kind of's not annoying at all..

11. She puts up with all of her older sister's crap, especially when they travel together, if she is having boy problems, friend problems, or just in general..problems.

12. She has a great fashion sense, and can wear pretty much anything and look good in it..again not annoying at all..

13. She is extremely crafty..very artistic and talented..which I am not.

14. She forgave me after I broke her Christmas gift..approximately 5 minutes after opening it..Sorry!

15. There is no one in the world I would rather sit at a seafood buffet with and out eat the entire table..even when it's the most awkward dinner ever.. 
even if you have a random lazy eye

16. She has great taste in music..and will be completely honest when she thinks you don't.

17. She can watch Netflix for hours and hours and hours...

18. She is a great listener, drunk or sober. She gives great advice ONLY when she is drunk though.

19. She is my best friend.

20. She went to school too far away 
and I don't get to see her as much as I would like.

21. She has a family that loves her more than 
anything and will always be there to support her 
and cheer her on no matter what.

22. She is THE BEST sister I could ever ask for. 

So Chelsea May I hope that you have the most spectacular 22nd birthday - I hope you are not already drinking as you read this but if you are..Cheers to you baby girl! I hope you have a fantastic day.

Love you..

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