She had a cocktail in her hand and confetti in her hair...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Skipping The Gym Until Spring!

So is it just me or is near impossible to go to the gym during the winter. I mean it is never an easy task to muster up the energy or motivation to go to the gym in the first place, let alone when it's 30 degrees outside.

Me every day in the winter!
VA is suffering..and yes I say suffering because anytime the temp goes below 50 I am pretty much an unhappy camper. If you are going to call us the south, we want those southern temperatures!! When I left the house this morning it was 19 degrees outside and that was at 7:30am. I can't even imagine how miserable I would have been lacing up my sneakers to walk outside to a balmy 15 DEGREES!!

Since unfortunately I wasn't born a bear and can't go into hibernation for the next 4 months and I wasn't born with the metabolism of an 8 year old boy, I MUST figure out a way to motivate myself to go to the gym.

So I did some research and tried to find some motivating are a few of my favorites...

Recruit a workout partner: I can't think of a single friend who would want to wake up at 5am and head to the gym with me..let alone wake up at 5am when its pitch black and 10 degrees..

Download new music: because there is so much great new music out there and unless this music sends a slight shock through my body it is not going to compare to a warm comfy bed

Try a class: I do admit this is one of the better ideas, because if I pay for a class I don't care if is negative degrees outside my cold ass is making it to that class because I ain't got money to just throw away

Pay extra for a better gym: I just flushed more money down the toilet by "hoping" this motivates me..

Think of the gym as an untapped resource to meet the man of your dreams: Yeah because the man of my dreams is going to want to see me sweating like a pig at 6am..cute.

Does anyone else have any ideas??

Here's to the people eating right and working out in winter: You're going to look SEXY this summer!

That's the goal Leo..

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