So as most of you know I live in Richmond currently, moved here a little over 2 years ago from a little town right outside of Charlottesville. You may also know that I love to go out and have a good time or casually grab a few beers with friends.
I am a huge fan of Cville - I pretty much grew up there - not in the sense that I was there as a child and grew up but as it's where I learned how to go out in a social setting and grab a drink. I turned 21 while in Lynchburg, VA while I was at college, BUT no one and I mean no one is a socially acceptable drinker there. However, when I would come home for the summer or on breaks I would meet up with a few friends and go grab a drink in Charlottesville.
Well, well, well people look what I stumbled upon the other day.
Top 20 Beer Cities in Virginia - an article found on Scoutolgy - look who is taking 1st & 2nd baby!! Clearly I am not dumb and life has brought me to these cities for a reason.
The next article I came across was Top 15 Bars In Virginia - and although I have not been to all of these, I found in really entertaining that I have been to a majority of these bars through out my course of life..obviously my friends like to party too.
So shoutout to VA for killing it with Bar and Beer scene..this place ain't too shabby at all.